Powerful Men Lift Heavy Shit
Powerful Men? Young men, listen up to your Gen X brother. I am hear to let you in on some secrets to a better and stronger life. Through the confusion and highs and lows of life, I will present 7 habits that make a man powerful and more effective. And we need this more than ever.
Confusing Time
I get it. It is a confusing time for young men. Not that it was ever easy or clear, but young men have a lot of confusing signals to navigate in the modern world. Be sensitive, but also be aggressive. Listen carefully, but make sure to be assertive. be caring/kind, but also ensure you can scare off an intruder or kill an animal for food.
Social Media Apocalypse
This is all being played out with a literal mind control device glued to your foreheads all hours of the day. Your being overrun with too much information and too many confusing signals. And young ladies are in the same boat dealing with this shit, but that is for another article.
Powerful Men Do Real Things
You have to develop the habit of doing a few real things in this world. Things that require more than your thumbs on a video game controller. Mow a lawn, fix something on the house, build a website, make a sculpture, chop some firewood, plant a vegetable garden, do a puzzle with your child, take a hike.
Move Your Body and Lift Some Heavy Shit (Sometimes, or if a Doctor says it’s OK)
You did not evolve to scroll through social media Tik Tocks, play video games, and get food delivered via Grubhub each day of your life. Ok, veg out every once in a while, but if this becomes a daily habit– you are screwed. You need to move and lift heavy shit sometimes.
I am not saying you need to spend hours in a gym or run a damn marathon.
Ignore the Concept of Perfection
Perfection sucks. Nothing is ever perfect in this world so get that idea out of your head now. All we have is now and the ability to take some small action forward. We can try and balance our interests and desires with the realities of the world.
Put Some Real Food in that Vessel!
Do not underestimate the power of nutrition over time. I too indulge in occasional junk food. But I aim for 90% of the time to be consuming real nutritious food.
Unfortunately we are surrounded in the modern world with empty junk food products that harm our health and power. They seem so cheap and easy. But there is a huge cost.
Buffett talks about it. If you were given one car to drive your whole life how would you treat it? You would probably treat it really well. Think of this as your body. Now bodies are not cars, they are dynamic machines that can be healed and get better with time.
Check Your Ego At The Door and Freakin Give Something Back
We need to manage our egos and not make everything about us. I am not saying be a martyr. But I have witnessed some of the most miserable people I have known cannot see past their own little needs and desires. They can’t be giving in spirit. I am not saying be Mother Theresa and give all you have to the poor. But would it hurt you to give a compliment, be giving with listening to another person, be helpful and useful when you can without any expectation of something in return? It actually only helps you in the long run to behave in this manner.
Have Boundaries & Occasionally Let Others Know It
You need to familiarize yourself with Robert Greene. He basically writes about power and seduction. And his practical psychological insights are life changing.
I appreciate the subtly of his research and methods. He is not saying to walk around like some asshole and be mean to people all day long. In fact, that is the opposite of power, that is a sure sign of weakness and despair. He advocates for subtle ways to expand your power and influence in your life.
Sometimes we need to say no more. We are surrounded by dynamic relationships. We have family relationships, friends, coworkers, etc. And the main point here is to ensure that these relationships are as healthy and mutually beneficial as possible.
My first instinct is to ask how I can give and a good worker, good partner, good father, good friend etc. Someone that people can rely on and know will have their back. Someone that adds value to other peoples lives. But we need to ensure there is a balance. I am not an all powerful God. I have physical, emotional and resource limitations. We also need to ensure we are replenishing our own well. Otherwise we can not be of service to others or ourselves.
Manage Sexual Health 🚀
To be powerful, you must learn to manage and harness the power of sexual health. Too many men are addicted to porn and have lost control of their sexual health. First, be careful with the porn. It can be addictive and inhibit the ability of a man to have a real relationship.
Next, seek a healthy sex life with meaningful relationships. Learn to be honest and intimate. Reject the stereotypes we see in the media. Reject the quick hit of porn. Re wire your brain to have actual intimate relations and communicate with a partner.
This is not all
Clearly there are many other ways to develop into a powerful man. Financial security is a also a big one that I did not tout in this article because most of Money Vikings content is about financial security and living a life of True Wealth. So look into our YouTube channel and other articles on all the ways we have build financial resiliency and security over the years.
None of this is a quick fix. This is actually about showing up each day and trying the best you can. You will get knocked down by life and there will be setbacks.
The Stoic Way
One last thing to mention is look into the Stoic philosophies of life. I have found the lessons to be powerful and grounding.