Growth beats value
Current Crisis! Or Opportunity of a Lifetime? At the moment it feels like the sky is falling in the markets and fear is in the air once again. The drumbeat of recession talk is strong and asset prices from equities to real estate are declining. What shall we do? Load up on canned goods and … Read More “7 Techniques to $1 Million Dollars (yes, it can still happen)” »
CLOSED – On Friday 2/25/22, the SMH Iron Condor trade hit 21 days until expiration (DTE) so I closed it, slightly below my profit target, as I opted for following the mechanics over attempting to squeeze out a few extra pennies.
We live in an interesting and complicated time. There are more tools and more information available to investors than at any time in history. BUT, this constant barrage of information can come at a cost. The cost is over complication, decision fatigue, distraction and overall ineffectiveness.