In this article we share our top 10-20 holdings of our dividend investing income portfolio that produces approximately $25k a year in dividend income. We also share 7 advantages of investing this way via a new embedded YouTube video. Finally, we’ve updated this post to include a live view to the dividend portfolio in Google Sheets, and a TradingView watchlist.
Author: greg
In this article we focus on 3 easy ways to enter and easy to manage, high quality real estate recession investment trusts, or REITs.
Feeling Behind in Life? Try loving yourself for who you are and where you are in life. Realize that each person’s life is unique with their own trials and tribulations. There will always be someone with more/different and always someone with less/different. Find your unique path, be kind to all, be strong when you can, seek help when you need it. This is the heart and soul of Money Viking strong!
I am reading more and more studies lately that support the health benefits of intermittent fasting. I am trying intermittent fasting personally by occasionally skipping breakfast, which extends the period of time from my evening meal to the meal the next day. I am shooting for about 14 hours difference, something I have never done before.
Tom Hanks may not know a ton about real estate, but he was in a movie about real estate and that’s enough for me in my book. Here’s 6 things he taught me being an actor in the move.
But we looked around as young adults and realized looking back that our educational system does a shockingly poor job at teaching people about personal finance, investing, wealth and health.