There is no more time to sugar coat things, World War 3 is here. And it did not start with spy balloons. Large global powers with very different ideologies and ways to govern will clash at various tension points for the foreseeable future. The question for savvy investors: Are they preparing for what is coming … Read More “World War 3 – Are You Properly Investing?” »
Education, Investing, Psychology
401K, Budgeting, Family, Free Content
Welcome to our first installment of “MIM” – Millionaire in the Making. Here we provide highlights and top 3 tips from middle class folks who are on their way to building a million dollar net worth. The names are changed to protect identities online.
Budgeting, Investing, Technology
Hosting Wordpress on a shoestring budget is cheap, fun, and fast. As financial bloggers, we always look for ways to save, and keeping our costs down leaves more time to do what we love, blog about money and financial freedom.
Investing, Psychology, Technology
ChatGPT Wrote us an article about Investing. Here’s what AI told us to do.